The “New Consumer” versus the “New Customer”
An interesting concept came out of the recent festival of creativity, at Cannes Lions 2015. Now one could think this was just another jolly for industry professionals on the French Riviera. Maybe it was, but the latest concept to be borne out of the conference, was that of the “new consumer”.
With a limited attention span and no loyalty, the “New Consumer” has the choice to consume whatever they want, when they want to via whichever means. If this is the case, then brands need to focus their strategy on how to really connect and engage with the “new consumer”.
It is no longer good enough to serve irrelevant, impersonal ads. Brands need to step up to the challenge of understanding how their audience is feeling. This is the first step towards serving effective content.
According to Pharrell Williams, the average attention span since the year 2000 has decreased by a whopping 25%. You now only have a maximum of 9 seconds to engage with the “new consumer”.
So more so now than ever, it is important to deliver the right content to the right people, at the right time. With that being the case, why are so many Google ads irrelevant to the search terms used? Why is the content you are driven to, not relevant to the intentions of the search terms used?
There is no excuse.
PPC 2.0 is here, whereby better optimised ads can be created and more timely relevant content can be served to engage the “New Consumer”. Give the “New consumer” what they want and maybe they’ll soon become a “New customer”.
Talk to Pro-Active about PPC 2.0
